Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What's Trending in my World This Week

I'm a little late to the game but I just really got into the Amanda Knox trial. It all started when I heard about "Cartwheel", a fiction book that had similiarities to the Amanda Knox story..a 20 year old American girl in a foreign country accused of murder of her roomate. After reading "Cartwheel", I wanted to know more about the real Amanda Knox story..lucky for me, she had actually written a detailed book (around 500 pages!)..her stay in Italy, the murder, the trial and her time in jail. I found it super was really well written.

I am pretty sure she is innocent. There is no DNA evidence of Amanda or her boyfriend at the crime scene (another guy, Rudy Guede, whose DNA was all over the scene and that she had only met once, is serving time in Italy for the murder). It is extremely scary what she went through. First of all, she was only 20!! (She is now like 26). So, very young. She did not think to get a lawyer (note to self GET A LAWYER!), thought she was helping (she and her boyfriend with her with the cops when they discovered the body of her roomate, Meredith) and talked way too much to the cops. They kept twisting her words and basically tortured her into a false confession. That part of the book was what confused me..they made her doubt herself and she knew she had done drugs (pot) that night so she said well maybe I was there. Her aunt continually said call the US Embassy (she didn't). I am sure if I was 20, I would not know what to do either.

She spent about four years in prison which was really interesting to hear about. I just felt so bad for her. Her trial ended in a guilty verdict..but then there was a retrial and it was overturned so she got to come back home to Seattle!! The bad news-in Italy, double jeopardy is you can be retried again for the same crime! That is so are declared innocent and they can retry you! Soo what's happening now is they have started yet another trial  (#3); (She is inabsentia, still in Seattle)..if she is declared guilty, they could try to put her back in an Italian prison! That is so are home, safe in the US, trying to get your education and live your life, and they can take you back to prison! She said she would not go wilingly if this happens.

It's def a scary situation and an interesting story. I do feel she is innocent and I hope she can move on in peace!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

As the Facebook Turns

There are some things I really love about Facebook.

I am the birthday queen so I LOVE knowing everyone's birthdays!

I love looking at everyone's pictures (NOT selfies posted everyday, pictures of family and events).

Positiveness-follow George Takei, Peanuts, "Cane" from Y&R, they are all great!

Candy Crush, let's face it. I have a problem.

Supporting local businesses

Here are some things that annoy me about Facebook-

Vague status updates or on the flip side, blatant SPOILERS about your fave tv shows! ;)

Ongoing depressing status updates (and when you try to encourage they blow you off!!!)

People who fall in love (He's the one), then they break up, you have to hear about that, then they have another one (He's the one). By the way, I LOVE all of you who put it's complicated for your relationship status or don't put a relationship status at all-you guys are way more honest!!!

Mean people who you went to school whose friend list mostly contains people you went to school with who prob don't like them (um..because when people are adults they know better!)

People who friend everybody because they want to be in everyone's business

People who you phased out that you never want to see again being on Facebook (hello block feature!)

So the next time you are annoyed with Facebook, just remember:

Friday, January 10, 2014

I Want Your Text

In my 20's, there used to be the three day rule. The guy had three days to call you.

Now finding myself single again in my 30's, that apparently is thrown out the window. I read some book that said with technology and texting, three days is not acceptable!

I used to hate the three day rule (sitting by the phone, wondering if he called while the phone line was busy or maybe your cell was turned off-remember those days, you could only use cell phones during emergencies!). 

Now I miss it. 

I hate texting..don't get me wrong. I love to set up plans or appts or ask a quick question but I don't want to get into a conversation that goes on throughout the day on it. Guys went from not wanting to call you to texting you all day!  For some reason, that's just TOO much for me! And I don't want to feel like I have to answer right away. I have to work! Then if you stop seeing them, you miss getting the all day messages. Why can't we spread it out?  

There was a little more mystery to it I guess if you don't get some kind of Facebook note or a text within a day, you feel bad. And of course you can see if they've been on Facebook or whatever and that's not fun either! It was better not knowing and thinking oh they're out mowing the lawn, out of town, etc. Now you're like -what the heck you had lunch down the street from me!

PETE called me within two days. He actually told me he called the first day but my cell phone was off (I was taking a nap) so that was back in the day if it was off, you didn't see the call. We mostly saw each other and he was a very good emailer. That worked sooo well for me! No urgency and nice things to read. 

I have a sick feeling though had we met ten years later he would've texted me--ALL DAY.

Friday, January 3, 2014

As My World Turns

When I was little, I remember watching "Guiding Light"-- Beth and Lujack were riding horses on the beach (as the song "Almost Paradise" played), I thought, that is the kind of romance I want when I grow up!

I kind of forgot the part about Lujack tragically dying in a knife fight with a rival gang member.

Life is not what you plan and is much more like a soap opera than I ever thought it would be...Love, loss, redemption..and a few plot twists in between.

I'm finally learning to "Embrace It" (phrase stolen from my friend Cindy)

As My World Turns.