Ok I am obssessed with reading (as you can tell!) and I always love having something new to read..esp when you are going through any kind of transitional time-it keeps you busy, excited and learning!!
I just bought FOUR, yes FOUR, FREE e-books online this am!! ($0, #girl on a budget!). They are all thrillers and look good..I bought mine through amazon but you can also buy through itunes!! My choices were free but they also have quite a few that are only a few dollars. Plus no clutter when you are finshed reading!
I used to buy all my books but when I was married, my husband got me hooked on the library. I didn't realize all my favorite authors could be found at the library and sure sometimes you may not get to read the book on the very day it comes out but it's FREE and if you are smart, you can get it pretty quickly. I love the online library directories you can search for the titles you are interested in reading in. If you are part of a library system, don't be afraid to ask to reserve a book from another library in your system! That's someone's job to bring it your library for you to pick up #helpingtheeconomy! Then they call or email you when it's ready! I am very fortunate where I live as well..we have a county system and a sep city system that I am allowed to have cards in both-for FREE! So if the book is not through your library system, check about the next closest system and find out what their policy is..they may have the book you want in theirs!
There are MANY ways to get good reading suggestions--I use amazon.com to find out the latest books, People.com or People magazine when I get to look at it usually has suggestions once a week. Shelfari.com is my go-to-search. I search out my favorite authors and take note of their latest titles coming out and when. They also have descriptions of books too (as does Amazon) so that is helpful. I also check out Target and find books I might be interested in. Then I get on to the library website and start marking requests (or watch for the title to show up shortly before it's release date). I
always request the book unless it is already at my branch..that also eliminates guesswork (they will call you when ready) and puts you closer to the front of the line.
If the book is not in the library system or the alternate library system I use, I check out amazon or ebay--you can usually buy an e-version for very cheap OR a used book. (To eliminate clutter, I usually give to a friend after for them to read, borrow/pass on, it saves them money, or I donate to the library to help them out--or you could yard sale and make a few bucks).
And those are my best tricks for reading a lot-and affordably!!