Sunday, April 27, 2014

Backyard Fun

I added a few new cheerful pieces to my back porch this weekend. I had a reward certificate to use at Pier One so I found this suuupperr cute glow in the dark owl I just had to have. I also found a cute little lantern. I spent only $2! My goal is to have more cute stuff on my porch so I will go out there more. The Pets love it. I also had bought a cute owl rug a while back off the Internet (discounted $17 which is great for a rug!).
New glow in the dark owl from Pier One

The Pets already love it

setup including a new lantern

New welcome mat bought online

Coopie loves being outside

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


One of my goals this year is to get better at baking. I mostly like spicy/salty/savory snacks so I tend to do a lot of good dips and pasta salads. I like cupcakes a lot though and I wanted to get a little better at baking. Anytime I try a cake I mess up..I don't mix good enough (one time I got an eggy mess :(!) or underdone. So I want to get some good sweets recipes up my sleeve.

The one I tried was for Easter and was from Pinterest called two ingredient lemon bars. It was made by mixing angel food cake mix and lemon pie filling. Just mix it, put it in oven at 350 for 30 minutes.

I thought it turned out yummy and good. I let it "set" when I got out of the oven which I think was good.

What are your go-to recipes when you are supoosed to bring something??

Mine are:
-pasta salad with Italian dressing/cheese/olives, etc (receipe from Morgan so I don't make it for events she is there)
-pasta salad recipe from Catherine's mom in law uses salad supreme seasoning (summer receipe)
-now, lemon bars :)
-spinach dip (Ms Simmons's high school cooking class)
-Asian slaw (late friend of my stepuncle)
-Mexican layered dip (Judy Stu*ts church cook book)
-dip mixes
-greek layered dip (Pinterest)
-Aunt Carol's pizza dip
-pimento cheese dip (Pinterest)
-cheesecake dip (Pinterest)

True Tori

I guess I have been a bad blogger again. My goal is 1x a week. Oops!!

I am excited about a new tv show coming on tonight called will be on Lifetime at 10 pm. It follows Tori Spelling and her husband Dean as they go through their marital issues.
Ok, I love Tori Spelling. I liked her on 90210 and then her books and reality shows, I really liked her personality and felt she was really relatable and fun with crafts. I was happy for her and Dean. They have FOUR kids together.
Supposedly he really did cheat on her. Soo dissapointing. It seemed like they were in so love and happy. It seems like I hear more and more stories of marriages with awful issues :(. What happened to being nice to your spouse :(?!!!
I will say she and Dean met while they were married to other people. So I guess that might be a sign but I really thought they were made for each other despite that.
Anyways, I am so glad to have a new tv show to check out!!!